Reflective Blog's

(Manfrotto, n.d.)​

week 1
This week we looked at skills development specifically capturing movement with the camera, to do this we were introduced to two new pieces of equipment the gimbal and sliding board. In groups we were then able to experiment with the equipment before being set a task to capture the same camera movement from a scene of or choosing. As s group we decided on three different scenes from the film 'Amelie' and where able to capture them in no time learning more about the equipment as we went long. From both tasks I was able to gain new filming skills when introduced to new equipment which would prove useful in future projects only making them better. This week we were also shown examples of the various ways the filmmaker Akira Kurosawa captures movement in his own movies, which was very helpful as it gave us an understanding as to the importance of the camera movements when convey a specific action and even emotion.
week 2
This week we looked into lighting, to understand how lighting can be used to benefit the genre; to understand this we firstly create three different scenarios using only lights those being someone driving, watching tv and fire. Using coloured gels and multiple lights we were able to capture each scenario. The next task we were introduced to three different genres; horror, fantasy and noir in our same groups we had to find an image from movies in these genres and create our own inspired by them using lighting once again. From both tasks we were able to experiment and see how lighting can be used to an advantage developing our equipment skills which will be used in future projects.

week 3
This week we looked at aperture to understand how aperture is changed/used we firstly experimented creating three different videos one looking into rack focus, someone walking into focus and the finale combining both skills. This task helped us to understand how it can used but also how to change the focus (aperture) to gain a specific outcome. We then moved onto recreating a short scene of our choice that we could apply these skills to; as a group we decided to use the museum scene from ' Ferris Bueller's Day off' the reason being that it included a variety of shots including both objects and characters; but that we could use the art space specifically the painting's on the wall to be more realistic. When completing this task I felt we were able to experiment further with the techniques and become more confident adjusting the aperture allowing for more shots. Overall this week I was able to gain/improve my camera skills specifically the adjusting aperture, and how important it is to experiment before creating a scene to be more efficient with your time.
week 4
This week we were introduced to Adobe Audition looking into sound, to do this we were set a task to add sound to three silent videos; one someone reading a book, the second a man listening to music and the last someone walking in a desert. With a general guideline as to what we needed to create for each one we were mainly able to experiment with the different settings adding in sunds we felt were appropriate. From this task I felt I gained a general understanding on how to use Adobe Audition, but also how it could be useful when looking into the editing of sound for a project, and improved my editing skills which will help to improve all future projects.