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My own example of leading lines image
My own example of a mid close-up

Reflective Blogs 

week 1/2

Over the past 2 weeks we looked at different shot types and composition in images. To understand shot types we each made our own examples of them from this learnt how different shot types can change the focus of the image. We also made our own examples of composition in images which I learnt how it can change the way an image is perceived. We also set up the tripod which I now feel confident enough to use, however I do need to develop my camera skills; to develop these skills further I will ensure I ask questions when confused on how to do something with the camera and make sure I use the camera frequently.


When I was writing up my work for the different shot types I made sure to include examples of other images to compare my work and see what I need to improve on, we then learnt how to Harvard reference to ensure I was not plagiarising anyone's photos. The transferable skills I learnt would be setting up a tripod and Harvard referencing, which can be applied to future projects such as write ups,  film making and interviews.

week 3 

Over a couple of lessons we decided and then made a short film to use as a photographic storyboard the reason being was so we had examples of the different filming rules we had learnt in the first lesson. During the first lesson we also mad each our own paper storyboard. then once put in groups we decided on a storyboard to use whilst also adapting them to ensure they could be done. We then managed to find a location and a start on the filming, it took the rest on the second lesson a bit of the third to get it done, in the rest of the final lesson we had to write up our work. First taking screen shots and putting together a storyboard layout and then we explained what type of shot was used and what was happening. 



Interior + exterior
blue gel on fill light + red gel on back light 

week 4 

Over two lessons we learnt about the different settings used on a camera to change the exposure of an image, they were shutter speed, aperture and IOS. once we learnt about what they do we got to practice changing them on a camera and taking some practice pictures. in the following lesson we were given 6 pictures to capture, a moving object in with motion blur and one without for shutter speed. a shallow and deep depth of field for aperture and then a high and low IOS.  


week 5

This week we learnt about lighting and specifically white balance, in the first lesson we were shown the Kalvin scale which relates to colour temperature, we then learnt about gels which are coloured clear sheets that make an image warmer or colder by going over the lens of the camera or even a LED light that is being shun on the object you are tacking a picture of. Before the practical we learnt about the different white balance settings on the camera that are used for example when taking a picture outside on a cloudy day put it on the cloudy white balance which adds warmth too the image. In the practical task we had to choose three locations and take 6 photos using 6 of the WB settings, interior light source only, exterior light source only, interior +exterior light sources. 

week 6

This week we learnt about lighting techniques, we first where taught the 3-point lighting (key, fill and back lighting) as well as the key areas of lighting that make up an image (quality, direction, source and colour). Then in the following lesson we went down to the TV studio and set up the 3-point lighting taking pictures with only one light on (key then fill then back) and then two together (key + fill, key + back, back + fill) and finally all of the lights together (key + fill + back). After taking the photos we needed, we were then able to experiment with different coloured gels, we used only two of the lights (fill + back) as one of the battery's died, using the colours red and blue swapping them around between the two lights. 


Edited video 
Edited video 

week 7 

This week we learnt about audio and the different types of microphones, we first learnt about omnidirectional and unidirectional microphones and there properties. We were then in groups of twos given a zoom recorder and got to get used to how it works to then be able to use it in a practical task. In the practical task we had to find an outdoor and indoor location to record in using both an iPhone and the Zoom. Along with the recordings we had to draw a sound map of what we could hear ourselves in the location. Once we had the recordings we compared the iPhone and zoom in the outdoor and indoor locations.  

week 8

This week we got to edit our video from week 3, at the beginning of the week we got taught how to use editor composer and had an initial play around with the clips the following day I had a listen to the videos ensuring the audio lined up and that there was good match on action throughout. on the second day we also got to know about the different skills that are needed to work in the media industry learning about the triangle of success; Employment skills, Interpersonal skills and knowledge. Towards the end of the day I got started on the right up of the editing task finishing it on the last day of the week. 

week 9

This week we made another video including the same techniques as week 3's video, however we made improvements to make editing it a lot easier and also used a new story line and location. I then edited the clips together adding some effects finally writing up the work comparing this weeks edited video to last weeks. W e also watched some YouTube videos showing the same scene but different directors approaches to the layout and filming of it, as well as what other peoples roles are on set when it came to equipment etc.   


Toast: A 1-minute Short film

week 10

This week we looked at 1-minute short films, to understand what went into making one we analysed 3 of our own choosing from this task I learned how much of an impact camera directions can have; they can lead the audience to where your supposed to be looking. I also understood that different types of music can change the entire theme/mood of a scene. To further develop my skills I need to watch some more short films to gain an understanding of why they have used certain short types, to be able to go inter further detail when analysing. Over all the skills I learnt this week was how to analyse and not describe, this skills are transferable into all future write ups of my own short films/edits.     

week 11

This week we had to come up with 3 1-minute short film ideas, to do so we looked at some more examples of 1-minute short films. When brainstorming ideas we used mind maps, this helped to keep my work organised and easy to understand. Once I felt happy with my three ideas I used SWOT  to point out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that come with the making of each of the short films. I can apply this to future film ideas to ensure I outline any problems I would have when making it. To develop my short film ideas further I am going to ask my family to complete a survey I have made about the ideas to see which one they like most and what would they possibly change about any of them, this technique can be used on all projects in the future to get other peoples opinions and make changes where necessary. Overall the skills I learnt this week were what the different types of research there is (primary, secondary, etc) and how to properly present ideas.   

week 12/week 13

This week we looked at finalising our short film Idea, to do so we made questionnaires to what people thought about my three Ideas and what was their favourite. By doing so I got evidence to support my reasoning for the Idea I picked by analysing the results of the questionnaires. This helped to understand what I could of done better with the other Ideas and what mainly stands out to people about the one they favourited. To further develop my Idea 1 which is the one I'm choosing to film, I am now researching how to do certain camera/editing techniques as well as reasoning behind what I'm doing in the film. Overall the transferable skills I learnt this week was the importance of backing up your idea's with the reasoning for making/doing it. The skills I have improved on were my research skills and how to make a questionnaire that includes both qualitative and quantitative questions to be able to support my choice of Idea 1. 

Avid - Editing App

week 14

This week we finished off our pre-production planning ensuring everything was there to then be signed off and given a camera to start filming. I felt comfortable working with the camera, however i do need to work on ensuring the shots are in focus other then this i did get all of the shots i needed to make the editing a lot easier. To develop my skills further with the camera i will need to in future projects ensure i have a turn filming and ask my peers questions when unsure. When filming i also had to stick to the 30 degree rule to ensure the jump-cuts did not look jar, i did however go over the 180 degree rule when doing the whip pan. The rest following day we helped one of the people in my group film their film in which i acted in. Overall the main skill i developed this week was my initiative tacking things into my own hands and thinking of solutions on the spot this along with learning how to direct can be transferred to all future projects.  

week 15

This week we edited our 1-minute short films filmed last week, To understand how to edit sound i had to ask the teachers around me this helped me to develop my understanding of editing, as well as knowing there are 2 options when it comes to editing with sound 1 tacking it off of sound library's 2 making it yourself. I decided to go for option 1 this time muting the original sound. I felt comfortable editing the clips together ensuring the match on action was smooth, finding it slightly difficult to find the right sound for certain actions in the film. To therefor develop my skills further I will try the second option by making the noises myself and uploading them to then compare which one is more effective. When editing the short that went over the 180 degree rule I decided to just flip the the screen around making the transition a lot smoother and less jar, this idea came from my friend who also did the same to a couple of her shots. Overall the skills i learnt this week were how to edit audio improving on sound quality, and develop my editing skills all together enabling me use these skills in the future. 


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